Successful since 2014: an excerpt of our customers

The Limbach Group SE is the largest owner-managed laboratory group in Germany. We developed a central platform for training courses for the group and its subsidiaries. The platform is multi-client capable and can be integrated into the respective websites of the locations.
SERVICES: Laravel, PHP, Vue.js
FeatValue allows clients to access the agency's project management system. This allows customers to set tasks, view the status of tasks and provide feedback.
SERVICES: Laravel, PHP, Vue.js
autosecure - Secure, Scan und Locate
We were able to take over the development of the software solutions for autosecure GmbH in the areas of Locate App, Secure and Scan.
SERVICES: Laravel, PHP, React, React Native, GraphQL
IU Studyfinder
We were able to take over the technical development of the Studyfinder for the IU. This helps to find the right degree program from the large selection of degree programs and formats.
The Studyfinder is a separate project, which can be integrated into several IU websites via JavaScript.
SERVICES: Vue.js, Typescript
For 4eck Media GmbH & Co. KG, we created the TutKit e-learning platform.
With over 8,000 video tutorials and 17,000 assets, TutKit is one of the largest German portals for for digital training. The focus is primarily on the topics of creativity and marketing.
SERVICES: Laravel, Vue.js, Braintree
Bullship App
Digitization of analogue processes is the order of the day. This is not the first time that our customer lv digital GmbH (Landwirtschaftsverlag) has been at the forefront of developing interesting concepts and boldly taking the first step.
SERVICES: React Native, Expo, Laravel, tailwindcss
The potential analysis procedures of DNLA GmbH from Emsdetten make it possible to discover the hidden potential and skills of employees. Employees answer between 150 and 200 questions and are categorized into different areas in order to areas in order to develop themselves further and realize their potential.
We have redeveloped the procedures and evaluations technically so that participation and evaluations run online.
ThemingProject is our own project. It is designed to help smaller companies find a suitable theme for their website. The WordPress and Joomla themes are divided into industry categories.
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